Ease to Grow: Easy
Dormancy: Required
Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North America
Zones: 5-8 (4-9)
Bog Sabatia, Sabatia kennedyana, is a striking perennial bog plant with bright pink daisy like flowers. It is uncommon and striking in appearance. The flowers have showy pink petals with white, red and yellow centers. They flower in late Summer, and attract butterflies and other insects. The green leaves are lance shaped with toothed margins on tall stems. It prefers consistenty damp, but not saturated, peaty, sandy, acidic soils, in full Sun. It is a moderate grower and spreads nicely from persistent rhizome clusters, but is a poor competitor with other plants. Bog Sabatia is a member of the Gentian Family. It presents a remarkable display among Pitcher Plants.
For Sabatia, each plant is a rooted, growing, and size refers to age of plants: small (1 year), medium (2 years), large (3 years). Plants are shipped bare-root, wrapped in damp sphagnum moss. In it's dormant season, it will be shipped as a dormant root/rhizome. Photographs are representative of species, and not the specific plant shipped.
Height: 8" - 18"
Plant Type: Perennial, cold temperate
Soil pH: 6.0 - 7.5
Light: Full to Partial Sun
Use: Pretty ornamental in the bog garden